Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Out of Practice

I haven't run at all for a week!
We had a fabulous time on holiday. The sun shone every day - we never needed a jumper during the day and there were people round the pool in bikinis each day too. We walked miles and miles so I didn't feel too bad about not running!
We had all day Sunday in Cyprus, and the hotel manager let us keep our apartment for the whole day so it was nice and stress-free. We were due to land at 00:15 on Monday morning, but due to the snow at Manchester airport on Sunday morning everything got delayed and we didn't get home until just gone 3am. Needless to say I didn't make my 10am meeting in Oldham, and we woke Harrison up just after 11am so he could get to school for lunchtime. Paul had the day off, and did a bit of a house-move (not for him, for Debbie!) in the afternoon. Even though I was completely done in, I decided I'd still go and have dinner, plus champagne with hibiscus flowers (OK, and red wine, and vodka with apple juice, and cafe schnapps) with Debbie and Andrew at night. I was home at 1am and slept well!
This morning I got motivated and went for a run/walk along the Kirklees Trail. I had to take care as it was still a bit icy. I had RunKeeper on my iPhone but it told me the GPS was poor (probably all the cloud). I carried on regardless and went further than on my first attempt - all the way to The Bulls Head at the end of the trail and back again. I was most impressed when I checked the results. I had done 3.72kms in 19:01 minutes, giving me an average 5:07 mins per km. I knew I'd gone further than my previous 1.46kms, but hadn't realised how much further. I realised that this 10km would be a piece of cake, in fact I could probably go round twice.
RunKeeper really is great. The GPS tracks your route so it links with the computer and shows you where you have been on the map. You can't imagine how disappointed I was when I saw the route. The GPS was very confused and thought I'd set off from nearly Woolfold! I don't know how it got that idea. I hope it is a bit clearer tomorrow so I can see how far it is really.
Before my holiday I was really stressed and busy but didn't have time to do anything about it. I'm a bit better now but thought I'd better sort myself out properly, and went for a deep tissue massage on my back, neck and shoulders. It was torture. I was nearly screaming at times! I couldn't just feel the tension being moved around, I could hear it too. It was such a strange feeling and I felt like I was being permanently damaged. I got off the bed much easier than I got on though, and I've got a course of treatments (for half price!) so I will go again and get properly sorted out instead of it getting gradually worse again.
Paul's just got home so I'd better go and be a good wife.

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