Thursday, 14 January 2010

Deep fried eggs

It was rather icy today. I slid down Scobell Street with my eyes shut after doing the school run and all the other drivers seemed to be doing the same. It was straight to the gym then, and I reached a milestone moment. Instead of going in the little gym, where the women in jogging bottoms and loose tshirts go (and both treadmills were occupied), I ventured into the main gym. I opened the doors and was met with a flood of lycra and sweat. It did encourage me more. I did my 3 kms in 26.15 minutes (3.26kms in 30 mins). My new training advisor Julia (thanks JR) advised me to do 2 minutes walking then 2 running and I gave it a try. It seems much more sensible for week 1. I got into Manchester just in time for a late lunch, and Pacific was as good as it ever is. I tried a bit of everything, and was curiously drawn towards the deep fried egg in tamarind sauce. Paul reminded me we have fried eggs already so it was only one stage further. It was actually quite good.
I've got some lovely birthday presents but wonder if my lovely husband thinks I'm older than my tender 38 years. I received a furry hot water bottle cover with matching slippers, and a shopping list pad!
I need to go - apparently one of the fish has had babies.

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