Sunday, 11 April 2010

End of week 14

First of all, last week I said I'd done no running. Well of course, if you were paying attention you would realise I did go out one day! OK, not good enough but better than nothing.

This week hasn't been good in more ways than one (well, they are all connected.....

As far as training goes, I did some today for the first time since a week last Tuesday. It really has been a bad time. However, I went to the gym and did 4kms WITHOUT STOPPING. I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner. Run slow, keep going for longer! I could walk faster than I ran but that isn't the point. I could have gone for longer too, but I stopped at 4 so I'd have time for a shower before I got Harrison from FitKids. I didn't know what would be waiting for me at home so I decided whatever it was I'd like to be clean.

I've been very dirty (steady) these past couple of days. I've had to get the latex gloves on and disinfect N's room for her. She said she had a sore throat on Wednesday and still had it on Thursday. I didn't take much notice as I hear it a lot, but this time we ended up in A&E where she got admitted for the infection and put on intravenous antibiotics and steroids. She saw the National Health Service at it's best, and had a private room with en-suite, television etc, and seemd to quite enjoy it.

She was discharged yesterday afternoon and must have been missing it because we ended up back in A&E by teatime. I find doing this blog quite therapeutic and I'm a bit miffed that I can't really rant about it all. As I was at the hospital I missed the second BBQ of the year - I'd missed the first the night before for similar reasons. I'm very glad everyone else had a good time at my BBQ in my garden though and managed such a chuckle later on at night (about 11pm) when I finally got to sit down outside taking the mind of my hunger with the cocktail Paul kindly made me.

I got a bit of respite at the hospital last night though when I popped into the waiting room and found Ms Aspery there with her head injury. Sorry that it cheered me up so much Debbie (I'm still laughing, now I know you are OK) and I won't write any more about that either!

The run is 5 weeks today, and I'm supposed to be able to do 4 miles non stop running by next Sunday. That is 6 point something kilometres, and it could be possible. If (I know it is a big 'if') this week is disaster free I'll be able to train and hopefully be close to that target.

And so...
Week 14, 4kms, about 38 minutes (come on, remember I couldn't get around the block 14 weeks ago!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad I could help lighten the mood ;-) I'm really proud of you xx
